Andy Anderson
Ken Bennett
Paul Bredenberg
Theron & Glenda Bredeson
Jason Bunt
Merle Burrow
Don Campbell
Gene Carelli
Don Clark
Robert Conrad
Dan Day
Dick Day
Chris Ertler
Peggy ertler
Ray Daniels
Frank Denning Jr.
Lafe Ellsworth
Norm Engblom
Dick Ferraro
Paul foster
Bob Fuschino
Steve Gallegos
Sam Gallo
Don Grothendick
carc history
2017-2019: Bob Land, Pres., Matt Pierce VP, Glenda Bredeson Sec/Treas.
2016: Bob Land, Pres., Matt Pierce VP, Glenda Bredeson Sec/Treas.
2015: Bob Land Pres., Matt Pierce VP., Glenda Bredeson Sec./Treas.
2014: Jason Bunt, Pres./Chet Graham, VP./Glenda Bredeson, Sec./Treas.
2013: Jason Bunt, Pres./Chet Graham, VP./Glenda Bredeson, Sec./Treas.
2012: Gary Land, Pres./Theron Bredeson, VP./Glenda Bredeson, Sec./Treas.
2011: Gary Land, Pres. /Theron Bredeson, VP./Glenda Bredeson, Sec./Treas.
2010: Gary Land, Pres./Theron Bredeson, VP./Glenda Bredeson, Sec./Treas.
2009: Gary Land, Pres./Paul Bredenberg, VP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
2008: Bob Land, Pres./Paul Bredenberg, VP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
2006-07: Bob Land, Pres./Bill WillinghamVP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
2005: Warren Rhoades, Pres./Fran Young, VP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
2004: Warren Rhoades, Pres./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
2003: Ken Bennett, Pres./Greg McLaughlin VP/Barb Roskopf Sec/Larry McLaughlin Treas
2002: Ken Bennett, Pres/Warren Rhaodes VP/Barb Roskopf Sec/Larry McLaughlin Treas
2001: Ken Bennett, Pres/Warren Rhoades VP/Margaret Young Sec
2000: Ken Bennett, Pres/Warren Rhoades VP/Margaret Young Sec
1999: Ken Bennett, Pres/Warren Rhaodes VP/Margaret Young Sec
1998: Darrell Stingerie, Pres/Kathryn McNeff VP/Don Grothendick Sec
1997: Don Grothendick, Pres/Bob Land VP/Ken Smith Sec
1996: Chris Ertler, Pres/Warren Rhoades VP/Peggy Ertler Sec
1995: Chris Ertler, Pres/Bob Land VP/Peggy Ertler Sec
1994: Don Campbell, Pres/Warren Rhoades VP/Beckie Wallace Sec.
1993: Don Campbell, Pres./Warren Rhoades, VP./Beckie Wallace, Sec.
1989-92: Steve Gallegos, Pres./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
1988: Dick Pachello, Pres./Don Lighthart, VP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
1986-87: Dick Pachello, Pres./Don Campbell, VP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
1985: Bill Johnson, Pres./Warren Rhoades, VP./Barb Roskopf, Sec.
1984: Bill Johnson, Pres./Chris Ertler, VP./Kathy Ambroio, Sec.
1983: Pat Petrie, Pres./Les Rohrig, VP./Kathy Ambrosio, Sec.
1982: Bob Land, Pres./Don Threlkeld, VP./Kathy Ambrosio, Sec
1981: Ronnie Lee, Pres./Darrell Taylor, VP./Don Threlkeld, Sec.
1980: Dick Pachello, Pres./Kirk Stienmark, VP./Harry Stone, Sec.
1979: Elmer Sauer, Pres./Pat Petrie, VP./Rick Lee, Sec.
1978: Dick Pachello, Pres/Pat Petrie, VP./Tom DeAngelis, Sec.
1977: Don Pachello, Pres./Pat Petrie, VP./Earl Mitchell, Sec.
1976: Joe Krpan, Pres./Merle Burrow, VP./Don Pachello, Sec.
1975: Bob Land, Pres./Ed Mailo, VP./Don Pachello,Sec.
1971-74: Dick Ferraro, Pres./Dick Day, VP./Don Pachello, Sec.
1970: Dick Ferraro, Pres./John Thomas, VP./Don Pachello, Sec.
1969: Ed Mailo, Pres./Dave Allen, VP./Don Pachello, Sec.
1968: Bob Harrington Pres./Ed Mailo, VP./Don Pachello, Sec.
1967: John Krpan, Pres./Bob Harrington, VP./Don Pachello, Sec.
1966: Elmer Sauer, Pres.Bob Harrington VP./Buster Urbach, Sec.
1965: Joe Krpan, Pres./Lester Kelly VP./Buster Urbach, Sec.
1964: Sam Gallo. Pres/John Thomas, VP./Buster Urbach, Sec.
1963: Sam Gallo, Pres./ Don Wilson VP/ Buster Urback Sec/Treas.
1962: Tedo Spano, Pres./Sam Gallo, VP./Buster Urbach, Sec.
1961: Elmer Sauer, Pres./John Palmer, VP./Robert Conrad, Sec.
1960: Bob Haase, Pres.
1959-60: Elmer Sauer, Pres./Tony Onorato, VP./Robert Conrad, Sec.
1958: Elmer Sauer, Pres./Foster Campbell, VP./Robert Conrad, Sec.
1957: Bob Jump, Pres./Elmer Sauer, VP./Bill Schafer, Sec.
1956: Gordon Herring, Pres./George Bowser, VP./Charlie Mullenhour, Sec.
1955: Norm Engblom, Pres
1954-55: Norm Englblom, Pres./Charlie Mullenhour, Sec.
1953: Bob Hinson, Pres./Charkie Mullenhour, Sec.
1952: Andy Anderson, Pres./Charlie Mullenhour, Sec.
1950-51: Jack Smith, Pres./Charlie Mullenhour, Sec.
1948-49: Lafe Ellsworth, Pres./Ken Voorhies, Sec.
1946-47: Dick Isaac, Pres./George Freeman, VP.
Keith Andrews
Charles Mullenhour
Carl Brawley
Ed Murray
Ronnie Bryan
Roy Rains
Robert Conrad
Harvey Schmid
Harold Flanagan
Milford Stephen
Scotty Johnson
George Syers
Roy Leslie
Willie Young
1977 - Chuck Starr and Pat Petrie
1976 - Don Wilson - Owner, John Pachello
1975 - Jack Graham - Owner, John Pachello
1974 - Jack Graham
1973 - Jack Graham
1972 - Blu Plemons - Owner, Doug Plue
1971 - Don Wilson
1970 - Don Wilson
1969 - Don Wilson
1968 - Don Wilson
1967 - Don Wilson - Owner, John Pachello
1966 - Billy Vaughn - Owner, Lester Kelly
1965 - Don Wilson - Owner, John Pachello
1964 - Jack Thoms - Owner, Lester Kelly
1963 - Sam Sauer - Owner, Loren Embree
1962 - Jack Thoms - Owner, Lester Kelly
1961 - Jack Thoms - Owner, Lester Kelly
1960 - Jim Malloy
1959 - Jim Malloy
1958 - Fritz Wilson
1957 - Fritz Wilson
1956 - Bill Starks
1955 - Bill Starks
1954 - Don Dunlap
1953 - Keith Lane
1952 - Pete Ducker
1951 - Sam Gallo
1950 - Don Padia
1949 - Red Fitzwater
1948 - Red Fitzwater
1946 - Keith Andrews
*30 Seperate Champions*
Compact/ Late Model/Sportsman/Limited Late Model
1988: Rick Carelli(limited late model)
1986-87: Joe James Jr.(limited late model)
1985: Jim Brown(sportsman)
1984: Danny Elliott(sportsman)
1983: Doug Longo(sportsman)
1976: Fritz Wilson(late model)
1975: Fritz/Don Wilson(late model)
1974: Lloyd Land(late model)
1973: Joe James Jr.(late model)
1972: Lloyd Land(late model)
1971: Marvin Roberts(late model)
1970: Larry Dechant(late model)
1969: Marvin Roberts(late model)
1968: John Hochmiller(compact)
1967: Pat Petrie(compact)
Limited Modified
1984: Butch Wallace
1983: Les Rohrig
1976 - Wiley Timbrook
Pure Stock
1987-88: Mike Starnes
1986: Mark Billen
1985: John Gallegos
1984: Kevin Young
Funky Street Car
1982: Denny Clark
1981: Richard Burton
1980: Bruce Rhoades
1978-79: Terry Stubblefield
1977 - Dottie Threlkeld
1976 - Dottie Threlkeld
1975 - Cheryl Sheetz
1973 - Sherian Thurman
1972 - Sherian Thurman
1971 - Elaine Sawin
1970 - Sherian Thurman
1969 - Elaine Sawin
1968 - Sherian Thurman
1967 - Donna Barton
1966 - Nancy Campbell
1965 - Pegi Plue
1964 - Audrey Bolyard
1963 - Audrey Bolyard
1962 - Audrey Bolyard
1961 - Carol Newman
1960 - Jean Balderston
1959 - Jean Balderston
1958 - Sis Hochmiller
1955 - B.A. Chaplin
Auto Racing Thrills Since 1946
The Colorado Automobile Racing Club CARC is dedicated to the sport of automotive racing, and to support at all times, clean and honest competitive competition to all fellow racers. From the original CARC Mission Statement
Bob Harrington
Bob Haase
Bob Hinson
Gordon Herring
Dick Issac
Bill Johnson
Rober Jump
Lester Kelly
Clarence Kreiger
Joe Krpan
Gary Land
Robert Land
Ron Lee
Sara Lee
Ed Mailo
Larry McLaughlin
Tim Miles
Charles Mullenhour
Ray Norby
Dick Pachello
Don Pachello
John Pachello
Rocco Pantano
Pat Petrie
Sam Petrie
Blu plemmons
born in Amarillo, Texas in 1927. He lived in Amarillo until his father died in 1939, after which his mother decided to pack up and move the family to Denver to begin a new life. When Blu was about 11, he began sneaking into Lakeside Speedway through a hole in the fence that he had made by removing nails in the bottom of the board and then bending the board out and then back in after he slipped through the hole. Once inside, he would watch the Midget cars race and got hooked on racing. From then on he couldn’t wait until he was sitting behind the wheel of a race car and in the summer of 1946 he got his chance.
Vintage CARC posters - programs
Blu Plemmons & Paul Garrison Inducted into the Colorado Motorsports Hall of Fame October 2014!
2020 - Mike cox
2019- gary land
2018 - Mike cox
2016 - No Champion
2015 - Frank Denning III
2014 - Chad Guilford
2013 - Cris Muhler "CRIS"
2012 - Gary Land
2011 - Gary Land
2010 - Frank Denning III
2009 - Gary Land
2008 - Rich Bubak
2007 - Frank Denning III
2006 - Wayne Swanson
2005 - Gary Land
2004 - Gary Land and Bill Willingham
2003 - Bob Land
2002 - Bruce Rhoades
2001 - Rich Bubak
2000 - Bruce Rhoades
1999 - Bruce Rhoades
1998 - Bob Land
1997 - Bob Land
1996 - Todd Ediger
1995 - Bob Land
1994 - Troy Ross
1988 - Rick Carelli
1987 - Rick Carelli
1986 - Rick Carelli
1985 - Rick Carelli
1984 - Rick Carelli
1983 - Frank Denning Jr.
1982 - Terry Daniels - Owner, John Pachello
1981 - Terry Daniels
1980 - Terry Daniels
The Colorado Automobile Racing Club (CARC) was formed in 1946 to bring the exciting sport of auto racing to the Denver, Colorado metro area. Fourteen charter members, mostly of the "Top Hats" hot rod car club, formed the CARC. These men returned from World War II after having been fighter pilots and they knew that a calm and sedentary existence would not be exciting enough for them. They began racing, what were known as, roadsters at local venues including north Table Top mountain, DuPont Speedway, and Adams County Fairgrounds. In 1949, they found a more permanent location at Englewood Speedway, on a 1/3 mile dirt track in a southern Denver suburb (Englewood) and raced there for three years. Popular drivers of the roadster era included Keith Andrews, Willie Young, and Sonny Coleman.
1952 saw the CARC begin racing at north Denver's Lakeside Speedway, adjacent to the popular Lakeside Amusement Park. It was a tight 1/5 mile paved oval that made for close quarter racing and crowded fields. In this era, over 100 cars were listed and most nights saw a turnout of 65-75 cars. The Lakeside years are mostly considered the CARC's Golden Era, when the grandstands were packed every Sunday night. An attempt was made to race twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays to fulfill the spectator demand for more action. At that time, there was very little competition for the Denver sports dollar and the CARC was a large drawing card. A late model class made up of more contemporary cars was developed in the mid-1950's but wasn't as popular as the "semi-modified stock cars" that made the CARC famous. Well-known drivers during the 1950's included Sam Gallo, Bill Starks and Fritz Wilson.
Success for the CARC continued into the 60’s. Competition was still fierce for the semi-modifieds and the large crowds continued to fill the stands. The venerable Ford Flat-head V-8, which had been the main power plant through the 50's was finally replaced by the Ford straight six. Lap times continued to fall at a rapid rate as chassis development caught up to engine modifications. Popular drivers of the early 60's included Jack Thoms, Jim Malloy, and Sam Sauer.
Following the trend of automobile manufactures of that era a new division for "compact cars" was added in the mid-1960's to inflate the racing program. Ford Falcons and Plymouth Valiant’s were the heavy hitters for the first couple of years. The semi-modifieds were now referred to as "fully modified stock cars", which by this time, had very little that was stock remaining on the cars. Speeds continued to climb and though fields were somewhat smaller, the competition was still keen. After just a couple of years, the compact class became a true late model class with Chevrolet Camaros and Ford Mustangs providing the meat for the division. Car counts in this division expanded rapidly and drivers from other nearby speedways came to Lakeside to race with the CARC, the premier racing club in Colorado. Many would race at Englewood (which had been paved in 1961) on Saturdays and race at Lakeside on Sundays. The CARC still held the reputation as a local heavyweight in the racing fraternity. Popular modified drivers in the late 1960's included Don Wilson, Bill Vaughn, and Wayne Stallsworth. Making their marks in the late models were Don Carelli, Lloyd Land and Clarence Krieger.
In the early 1970's, overhead valve V-8s replaced the straight sixes, this time with Chevrolet being the mainstay power plant. The late models continued their success and other classes were added including a "mini-stock" class for small American and imported cars such as the Ford Pinto, Volkswagen Bug, and Datsun 510. There was a lot of variety in the CARC fields during this time frame. Modified fields represented a smaller portion of the total field as it became vastly more expensive to race the specialty cars. Early car bodies were getting hard to find so a short lived move to later style bodies that were placed over the modified chassis was made. Popular drivers of the early 1970's modifieds were Blu Plemons, Jack Graham, and Don Wilson, who was constructing his impressive CARC record of seven club championships.
The late 1970's continued to see the expansion of the other classes from street stocks to super stocks, as the modified field continued to shrink. Racing in general became more of a specialty hobby and costs were escalating at a rapid rate. Costs of highly sophisticated suspensions and powerful engines were coupled with the expense of newly-developed safety equipment. Additionally, other sports venues were catching hold and the competition for the spectator dollar was making it tougher to fill the stands. Popular modified drivers of this era included Terry Daniels, Rick Carelli and Pat Petrie.
As racing moved into the 1980's much remained the same, speeds continued to climb as the club raced on at Lakeside Speedway. Rick Carelli, who in later years moved onto the national racing stage, became the force to deal with as only Frank Denning II was able to interject himself into the championship title during Carelli's reign, which included six club championships. A serious crash in 1988 resulted in a spectator fatality and several injuries as the old facility showed signs of wear. The decision was made by the track owner to close the facility, a sad day for Denver's racing community and the CARC had to find another home. A few races were run at nearby Colorado National Speedway but track management wanted more cars than the club could produce at the time, which almost led to the demise of the CARC.
The club did fall dormant for a few years but started racing again, when several dedicated CARC members took it upon themselves to rescue it and work with a local promoter to build a small oval at Second Creek Raceway in Commerce City located on the northeast corner of the city. This track was improvised, in that a very tight oval was created by closing one end of a hairpin turn of an existing road course. The Club raced there from 1994 through 1999, whereupon that track was closed. The club, at that time, still carried several divisions and raced on Friday nights so they didn't have to compete with the other local tracks' schedules. All classes were comparatively small and Second Creek's "oval" was barely a 1/5 mile with one tight turn on the south end and virtually no banking. However, camaraderie was strong and the CARC was building itself back up from some lean years. Popular drivers during this time were Bob Land, Jim Beckley, and Ronnie Lee. Starting in 2000, the CARC, now consisting only of what are now called modcoupes started alternating races at Cheyenne's Big Country Speedway (a 1/5 mile paved oval nearly identical to Lakeside) and Pueblo's I-25 (nee Beacon Hill) Speedway (a 1/4 mile well-banked paved oval. Fields were small but the racing was good and the word soon got out that the CARC was a friendly bunch to race with and the competition was good. Starting in 2004, full-time racing at Colorado National was added to the CARC race card. Popular drivers of this era include Bruce Rhoades, Frank Denning III, and Gary Land. the club now focuses entirely on their modified coupe class. The current race cars are a blend of vintage history and modern race technology, which are unique in today's "Cookie Cutter" race car world. Thru all the years and the variety of classes and cars the CARC has maintained its strong racing heritage thru competitive racing, fair competition and a close knit racing family. Make sure you come out to experience and become a part of this wonderful racing venue!!
Paul Garrison
Born in Winterset, Iowa in 1938, Paul Garrison discovered his love for racing when, at age 14, he joined his crafty friends and snuck into the Des Moines track. From that evening on, Paul was hooked on motorsports.
CARC past officials
Blu Plemons
Elwanda Rhoades
Warren Rhoades Sr.
Les Rohig
Barbara Roskopf
Elmer Sauer
Jay Saxton Sr.
Jay Saxton Jr.
Harvey Schmid
Dwight Smith
Jack Smith
Tedo Spano
Velmar St. Peter
Al Starr
Darrell Stingerie
Kevin Tearney
Gus Thomas
Dottie Threlkeld
Buster Urbach
Arnold Wallace
Don Wilson Sr.
Fritz Wilson
Frank Young
By Paul Bredenberg
How It Started in 1946
#60 Paul Bredenberg - Resident CARC Expert
#99 bob & lucy land - long time carc supporters